domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2011

Las Hoces de Vegacervera, las Hoces de Valdeteja and the Cola de Caballo waterfall

The “hoces” are canyons formed because of the prolongued erosion of a river in his constant flow trough a particular zone.

Placed in the municipal term of Cármenes, 30 km north of the city of León, there are the “Hoces of Vegacervera”, a wonderful natural formacion created by the erosion.
The Torio river has taked charge of erode the limestone until there were two mountains with a narrow valley between them.

The landscape is outstanding, the walls of the valley's sides are almost vertical and in them are plenty of caves.

They also are common destination for mountaineers and climbing amateurs because the verticality of their walls and the zones of diverse dificulty, which allow all kinds of climbers to enjoy their hobby.

Twin to the Vegacervera ones, the “Hoces de Valdeteja” are placed in the municipal term of Nocedo de Curueño, they're much less known that their sisters though in the surroundings are located the hermitage of San Froilán, León's patron, and one of the prime wonders of the province of León, the waterfall known by the name of “Cola de Caballo”.

In the outskirts of the village of Valdorria is located the hermitage of the León's patron, San Froilán.

A few meters of the road, the Valdorria river falls a large gap between four walls of limestone, to join later with the Curueño river, this jump results in the fall known as “Cola de Caballo” (Horse's tail).

From here we pretend to interest anyone who reads us to visit this wonderful places in the north of the León province.

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